Elite dangerous alien news
Elite dangerous alien news

elite dangerous alien news

Written by Osashes, read by WranglerActual, Rheeney and BuurĠ0:11:59 Ships you wanted to forget: The Sidewinder. Turning to deep space, we discover the breadth and depth of the Cygnus constellation, one of the true wonders of our galaxy, and finally, we finish up with the next installment of our Hard Look at Hard Points, and see what the multicannon can do for the aspiring combat pilot.Ġ0:02:06 The Quarantine Cup Races. Continuing on the theme of small fast ships, we take a look at the Sidewinder, a ship most commanders wanted to leave behind as quickly as they could, but perhaps this ship’s surprising turn of speed might make us want to think again.

elite dangerous alien news

In this edition, our writer participates in the Quarantine Cup Races, which pits the Viper against the Eagle to discover which ship can prove itself to not only be the fastest in a straight line, but have the agility to make it around a challenging race circuit. Interview by Souvarine, read by Eid Le Weise and Catisfaxion Written by M Lehman, read by Kai Zen and Eid LeWeiseĠ1:04:11 Wot I Fly: Commander Gambit. Written by Souvarine, read by Souvarine and WotherspoonĠ0:55:32 Stations you haven't visited: Bering Port. Written by Rendak Soro, read by Scott Cleverdon, Beetlejude and Eid LeWeiseĠ0:41:03 An interview with Erimus Kamzel. Written by Souvarine, read by Orange PheonixĠ0:27:31 The trial of Admiral Vincent: the conspiracy that rocked the Federation.


Written by Ariri, read by Catisfaxion, Kai Zen, Rheeney and BuurĠ0:13:58 Portable Plasma. In this issue, we discover the origins of the Thargoid war and the Anti-Xeno Initiative, recap the tumultuous trial of Admiral Vincent, take a trip to Bering Port, get to know the remarkable Erimus Kamzel, get to grips with the new range of personal plasma weapons, and find out what Commander Gambit loves to fly.Ġ0:01:42 Four years on: a history of the Thargoid conflict and the AXI.

Elite dangerous alien news